Johannes Eisenberg
Johannes Eisenberg is a highly respected, assertive and nationally known counsel in areas such as press and media law, criminal defense, copyright law and general civil law. He has acted as witness counsel in numerous committees of inquiry and has defended clients in a large number of trials of historical significance.
Johannes Eisenberg has regularly represented and advised the tageszeitung (taz) since 1984 (compliance, publishing law, right of expression, general contract law and employment law).
- 2024 Founding partner of EISENBERG KÖNIG SCHORK KEMPGENS PartG mbB
- Since 2009 in partnership with attorney Prof. Dr. Stefan König and attorney Dr. Stefanie Schork
- Since 1987 in partnership with attorney Prof. Dr. Stefan König
- Attorney at law in Berlin since 1984
Practice Areas
Press and Media Law
- Criminal Defense
- Intellectual Property Law
- General Civil Law
- Representations and consultations in connection with parliamentary committees of inquiry
- Permanent legal representative of tageszeitung (taz) since 1984 (Compliance, Publishing Law, Intellectual Property Law, General Contract Law and Labor Law)
Publications (selection)
- "Shibli scheitert gegen die taz", taz 24.11.2023
- "Was ist erlaubt? Berichterstattung über Till Lindemann, taz 18.08.2023
- "Wehret der Einschüchterung", taz 26.07.2023
- "Mal hü, mal hott. Berichterstattung über Rammstein", taz 13.6.2023
- "Bayerns Justiz hat gewildert - Razzia bei Letzter Generation", taz 26.05.2023
- "Vergeltung ist kein Strafzweck", taz 08.03.2023
- "Den Namen zu Recht genannt. AfDler scheitert mit Klage gegen die taz", taz 25.03.2022
- "Seehofer gefährdete taz-Autor*in", taz 25.09.2020
- "Risiko muss gerecht verteilt werden", taz 16.03.2020
- Johannes Eisenberg / Lea Voigt / Manuel Vogel (Hg.): Antifaschismus als Feindbild - Der Prozess gegen den Jugendpfarrer Lothar König. Laika, Berlin 2014